
7/11 and 7/13 free pop-up session! Learn about service dogs 無料セッション 介助犬について学ぼう

8/15(火 Tue) 11am-12noon for age 10-12  小学校高学年向け

8/17(木 Thu)   6pm-7pm  for age 8-10  小学校中学年向け 






We will be hosting a session about “mobility service dogs”! A high school intern(who has volunteered for a service dog association) will talk about what jobs mobility service dogs do and how they spend a day! Everyone is welcome in this session. You may become aware of social issues that have been unnoticed after learning about mobility service dogs... Please friend us via LINE and send a message as "joining Service Dog session", or contact us to  

参加無料。こちらからお問い合わせいただくか、LINE登録のあと、介助犬セッション参加希望 とメッセージをお送りください。

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Thu & Fri 7:45pm Story Time  / 木&金19:45 バイリンガルStory Time


木曜&金曜 19:45-20:15
 無料(ボランティアによる、毎週 無料開催です)


Complimentary English Story Time NOTE: this session will be conducted mainly IN JAPANESE.

 Our high school intern volunteers will provide a complimentary En/Jp bilingual story time session!

 Bilingual high school student interns with native-level command of English will read to students using English book reading videos from international celebrities.

 The 30-minute session will include interactive reading, discussion, quizzes, and other fun activities with students!

 Thursdays & Fridays 7:45-8:15pm
   for age 5-8 year olds
 Please friend us via LINE and send a message as "Story Time", or contact us to

参加無料。こちらからお問い合わせいただくか、LINE登録のあと、お子様の年齢を5−8歳 と押してください。

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7/28 11am-12noon Online Summer Fun Game / 28日11時から、夏休み無料イベント オンラインお楽しみ会

7/28 金曜 11AMから12

 英語で行うオンラインお楽しみセッション 無料開催します!


 参加無料。LINE登録のあと、7月28日お楽しみ会参加希望 とメッセージをお送りください。

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Complementary session on Zoom July28 (Fri) 11am-noon

online recreational game for 9-14 y.o.

please friend us via  LINE and send a message as "July 28 game session"

Starting Tutoring Session / 個別レッスン&チューターセッションを開始しました





We will be hosting private tutoring sessions held by native English speakers. Book your slot

Friday 8pm Story Time! / 金曜8PMに読み聞かせ回追加します!



 金曜 20:00-20:30 




参加の招待はLINEが一番手軽に参加できますので、まだの方はぜひご登録ください! で登録の上、かならずお子様の年齢をクリックお願いします!



We have added our English/Japanese Bilingual Story Time on Friday 8PM! (500yen per session)

Bilingual interns with native-level command of English will read to students using English book reading videos from international celebrities. Then we read the same book in Japanese.


 The 30-45 minutes session will include interactive reading, discussion, quizzes, and other fun activities with students!


 Friday 8:00-8:30pm

   for age 5-8 year olds


   500 yen per lesson (free initial trial)

In order to participate weekly please friend us via LINE from this link then send your child's age! (Without sending the age we cannot send you the invitation for the session so please make sure sending the age!)

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