
Spelling Bee Teacher Raffinのスペリングビークラス 8-14才向け 月曜6PM


Spelling Beeは、英語圏で行われる、単語のスペルをいか正確に言えるかどうかを競う大会。


このクラス受講には、英英辞書が必要です。(Merriam Webster Dictionaryを推奨)※当面は不要な形で開催します!


Spelling Bee

This course is designed to enhance students' spelling abilities, both orally and in written form, while delving into the fascinating world of words. The class not only sharpens spelling proficiency but also deepens students' dictionary skills, cultivates a keen understanding of various parts of speech, refines sentence construction, and hones the essential skill of placing words in alphabetical order.

Date: Mondays 6-7pm

Requirements in class: Notebook, pencil, & a book dictionary (Merriam Webster Dictionary)
(This is not suitable to non English text reader and for someone with beginner English level)

age 8-14

For the Spelling Bee, English level can start at least at intermediate level.

Note from the teacher: Spelling list of words will be provided for the lessons. Dictionaries will be used as we go deeper in learning words and its etymology. There will be both written and oral spelling activities.

Introduction to Art by Ruby 金曜8PM ネイティブ講師のアートクラス




Age: 10–14 year olds 10−14歳向け (9歳でも英語力に問題ない場合はご参加できます)
Date: Fridays, 8pm-9pm 金曜日8-9PM JST

Description of the class:
Unleash your inner artist and boost your English conversation skills in this engaging Introduction to Art course!  Through a series of hands-on activities, participants will explore the fundamental building blocks of visual art – lines, shapes, and color theory.  They'll experiment with techniques used to create depth and dimension and delve into major artistic movements throughout history. Whether discussing the vibrant world of Pop Art or the dreamlike realm of Surrealism, participants will find themselves actively using and expanding their English vocabulary in a fun and creative environment. By the course's conclusion, participants will not only gain a deeper appreciation for visual art but also develop the confidence to discuss and analyze art with greater fluency in English.

About the Teacher: Hey everyone! I'm teacher Ruby, and learning is an epic quest with me! I fuel my creativity with drawing, creative writing, and playing tabletop RPGs and online games. ⚔️  This creative energy, combined with my experience teaching junior and senior high school, makes lessons an adventure you won't forget!  Let's unlock your potential together!

募金制セッション: 4/7(日)海洋生物や環境の保護について英語で学ぶ単発クラス


 (前日4/6(土)開催の別セッションはこちらにてご覧ください )

説明:子供たちに楽しく海の保護について学ぶ英語のセッションです!SDG 14は海洋生物や環境の保護に取り組む重要な目標です。様々なアクティビティを通して一緒に海の大切さを学び、未来のために何ができるか考えましょう!

日時 4/7(日)9am
対象 小学生 (6-12歳)
費用 200円震災募金チケット制(最後にスピンゲームに参加できます)
形式 オンライン

時間 約45分

"Protecting Our Seas, Saving Our Planet!"
Description: Dive into an exciting session where we'll discover the wonders of our oceans and how we can keep them safe and healthy! Through fun activities and interactive games, young explorers will learn about the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, and what they can do to make a difference. Join us for a journey beneath the waves and become a champion for our blue planet!

6-8yr olds
200yen Ticket (Spin Game included)
Apr07 (Sun) 9am- JST
approx. 45min session

お申し込みは「4/7 海のセッション参加」と書いてLINEまたはContactフォームよりご連絡ください。

Feb07 Fundraising Session: Memory Boost! / 募金制・記憶力アップレッスン開催!

= 高校生インターン主催の、能登半島震災への募金活動 =




  • 4/6 (水) 9:15am-10:00am (JST)  
  • オンライン (zoom)
  • 参加費: 200円〜(それ以上で任意募金制になります)





Memory Boost: Engage Your Brain!

= fundraising session by high school interns =
Join us for a memory-boosting session using the innovative "Doctor's Drill," created by a Japanese neurosurgeon!

Through stimulating activities, kids will enhance their memory power while contributing to disaster relief efforts for Ishikawa (Noto Penishula) with a 200 yen participation fee.
Plus, win exciting prizes in our spin game! Open to all ages, this session promises fun while sharpening your memory skills.


  • Apr 06 (Sat) 9:15 -10am (JST)
  • Online (zoom)
  • Fee: 200yen〜 (all goes to disaster relief efforts for Ishikawa (Noto Penishula) )


Please add us LINE friend and let us know who is joining the session! 


3/26(Tue)- Advanced Story Time by Kaho 月謝制・英語の絵本よみきかせ+クラス開始します(火曜よる)

以前月曜のよみきかせを担当していたKahoがAdvanced Story Timeを開催します!



Advanced Story Time
  • Target audience: students aged 6-8
  • Tuesdays 7:45pm-8:30pm  

  • このセッションでは、一つひとつの本を時間をかけて、数回にわたって深掘りしていきます。
  • 一緒に絵本の世界に浸りましょう:)

  • This session will help you dive deeper into each book to enrich your understanding of stories. In addition to English comprehension and expressions students can learn from this session, students will develop their imagination through series of interactive discussions. This session is highly recommended for students attentive to small details in books! I invite you to immerse yourself in the world of picture books:)
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