
11月18日からスタート  オンライン知育ゲームで、月ごとのテーマについて学ぶネイティブクラス!


インターナショナルスクールなどで取り入れられている、quizlet, kahootなどのオンラインクイズ知育アプリなどを使って、学びのあるゲームクラスを開催します!


GameTime English

Fun activity based games on quizlet, Google forms, kahoots and Jeopardy where kids and the teacher interact and share fun facts. We would also incorporate online game activities to let kids have fun while learning English. Website games will also be implemented.

Mondays 610pm-655pm

Objective through all these games and activities are as follows.

  • Kids will acquire English Language skills by playing quizzes and games.
  • Kids will learn how technology can be used to learn something.
  • Kids will interact with each other in English building confidence.
  • Self-development skills will be achieved.

Last week of every month, kids will make presentations on what they learnt that month! In this manner they will revise what they have learnt each month. By reviewing their presentations, they will understand how many new English Language skills they have learnt by playing games/quizzes that month!

comment from teacher: creating an interactive environment for everyone to participate in. I am looking forward to seeing you join! 

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