Weekly World News
by Tyron 水曜 8pm-9pm 現在4名様受講中。あと1枠のみ
by Nicola 金曜8pm-9pm 現在2名様受講中。あと3枠
お問合せは メールまたは LINEから ワールドニュースクラス トライアル希望 と書いて、ご希望曜日とお子様の年齢も添えてご連絡ください。
サンプル動画はこちら https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5NMI_bxWM8/(動画は7−8歳クラスですが、現在火曜と水曜クラスは生徒さん層は9-10歳対象となっています)
Title: World News
Description: Who said news is Just for adults? Let's look at the world and current affairs, mixing learning with excitement! Every week, we explore current news worth talking about! From pressing global issues to scientific discoveries, let's share thoughts and ideas on current events, learn how the news is created and even make our own news articles! Every week we share new discoveries. Let's read the news together!
from Nicola (Tuesday teacher): Nice to meet you! I am Nicola. I love anything cute like Sanrio and Chiikawa and my hobbies are drawing and playing video games, I look forward to meeting you!
Age: 8-10yr olds
Date: Tuesdays or Wednesdays 8pm
E-mail us or LINE us for a free trial lesson! (Include your child's age)