8/15(火 Tue) 11am-12noon for age 10-12 小学校高学年向け
8/17(木 Thu) 6pm-7pm for age 8-10 小学校中学年向け
We will be hosting a session about “mobility service dogs”! A high school intern(who has volunteered for a service dog association) will talk about what jobs mobility service dogs do and how they spend a day! Everyone is welcome in this session. You may become aware of social issues that have been unnoticed after learning about mobility service dogs... Please friend us via LINE and send a message as "joining Service Dog session", or contact us to info@theclubrooms.org
参加無料。こちらからお問い合わせいただくか、LINE登録のあと、介助犬セッション参加希望 とメッセージをお送りください。