
English Game Show! / Teacher Tyronの新クラス: ゲーム感覚で英語で頭の体操クラス!




月曜 19:45-20:15 JST (現在2名様受講中、あと2名様まで月謝3800円キャンペーン適用)
水曜 20:00-20:30  JST (受講者新規募集中)




Teacher Tyron Says:
Hello, I’m teacher Tyron! I’m from Australia, with Kangaroos and Koalas, but now, I live in Sapporo, up in Hokkaido.  I like Pizza, I like Hamburgers, and my hobby is Skateboarding. So if you want to learn English, please book a class. I can’t wait to meet you!

Compete against other English students and challenge your quick thinking!
In the English Game Show lesson, students will test their conversation, translating, understanding of idioms and slang, rhyming and a bunch of other fun challenges to give you a break from regular lessons and the chance to expand your vocabulary with others. Students will be given 30 seconds to think before beginning the circle challenge of naming a word from a particular theme and going around the circle until everyone who can’t think of another word is our, and one winner remains. Some of the themes will be Animals, Hot foods, Brands, Countries, Western names, Words that rhyme with hat. Circle challenge is just one of many so join a lesson today and expand your English in fun and competitive ways.


Mondays 745pm-815pm / Wed 8-8:30pm. JST

for ages 8-11

Montly Fee : 2500yen /month (30min x 4 lessons per month)

Daniel's Presentation Class / プレゼンテーションクラス 10-15歳 

毎週 木曜と20時―21時で開催している、Danielの英語プレゼンクラス 



なお もともと火曜8PMにもプレゼンクラスと同内容で開催していましたが木曜8PMへ統合し、火曜8PMは10歳以上のDanielによるミュージッククラスとして5月から開始予定です。

Eiken Class available / 英検対策クラス 2級&準1級 開催中


 準一級 火曜 7:30pm-8:30pm 4名様参加中
 準一級 水曜 7:45pm-8:45pm 3名様参加中 あと残り1枠
 2級 土曜 9am-10pm 3名様参加中 あと残り1枠

トライアルご希望は LINE または contactフォームから、「英検XX級クラストライアル希望」と書いてご連絡ください。


Eiken Exam Prep Casses 

  • Eiken Grade Pre-1 : Tuesdays 7:30pm-8:30pm (currently 4 participants)
  • Eiken Grade Pre-1: Wednesdays 7:45pm-8:45pm (currently 3 participants)  
  • Eiken Grade 2: Saturdays 9am-10am (currently 3 participants)

Let us know your preferred days and times, and we can arrange something for you.


If you'd like to try out a class, just drop us a message on LINE or through the contact form. Please mention "English Exam Grade xx Class Trial Request." 


Writing class taught by native teacher /火曜夕方・木曜夕方・金曜8PM 10-12歳向け ネイティブ講師のWritingクラス

現在1-2名ずつの少人数制で開催中 ネイティブ講師による10歳〜12歳前後、英検2級くらい以上の英語レベルの生徒さん向けの、Academic Writingクラス初中級

 火曜 530pm 現在3名さま参加中 あと1名まで

 木曜530pmまたは6pm 現在 各1名さま参加中 メイト待ち あと最大3名まで

  金曜8pm  現在1名さま参加中 メイト待ち あと最大3名まで

トライアル受付中 Contactフォーム または  までご希望曜日を添えてご連絡ください。



New! Writing class taught by an English native teacher

Tuesday 530pm

Thursday 6pm

Friday 8pm

recommended age:10~12
We will be hosting an Academic writing class for beginners (Eiken Level 3 or more). The class is taught by a native english teacher and the recommended age for students are 10~12 years olds. e-mail us to to book for a trial lesson!

Fri Evenings English Discussion Class ages 10-14/ 金曜4時半Chat Mastersディスカッションクラス

金曜4時半で、10歳くらいから14歳むけネイティブ講師のRaffinの"Chat Masters"クラスに空きが出ました。現在3名様受講中、あと1名さまのみお月謝3800円キャンペーンが適用されます。(月4回、1時間クラス、合計4時間)


Chat Masters by Raffin

Join the English Fun, Talk, and Grow!
In "Chat Masters," get ready to join a world of English fun, vibrant discussions, and personal growth! This class is all about honing your communication skills through lively conversations and thought-provoking discussions. Engage with your peers, share your thoughts, and broaden your horizons as we delve into various topics. Prepare to unlock your true conversational potential, build confidence, and expand your knowledge in a dynamic and supportive environment. Join us in "Chat Masters" and embark on an enriching journey where your voice matters, and English fluency flourishes! 

Book your trial class トライアルクラスの申し込みはこちら 


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